
Okami - Chapter 9: Entrance Exam. Part 2

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The next three days moved by quickly and the second entrance exam for The Academy had arrived. Chasuki woke up early and was getting ready. She looked in the mirror.

“Today's the day,” she said to herself adamantly.

Her little heart fluttered and she could feel her stomach churn again.

“It's okay,” she tried to reassure herself. “A little nerves is good.”

And with her pep talk over she straightened her shirt, nodded at her reflection then set off. As she made her way down she stopped, hearing voices drifting up the staircase. She took a deep breath and continued her descent. Her grandfather and her dad came into view once she had reached the bottom. They were no doubt discussing something important, they both held themselves with prominence and grace. Chasuki frowned, they always seemed so tense around each other. Actually, come to think of it, everyone in her family was tense. Being one of the most influential families in Buten really took its toll. As Chasuki approached her grandfather stopped talking.

“And you are up early,” he greeted.

“It's the second exam today, Grandfather.” Chasuki gulped, he spoke with such authority.

“Oh, yes, of course,” he mused, although Chasuki knew that he was just pretending to not know where she was going.

“Good luck, my dear,” her father said lovingly, bending down to kiss her forehead.

“Yes, indeed,” her grandfather said and did the same. “Make our families proud.”

“Hai, Grandfather,” Chasuki bowed. “Farewell.”

She walked for the front gate and when she was out of earshot they continued their conversation. Once outside and in the street Chasuki sighed, feeling relieved to be out the house. She never doubted that her grandfather loved her, but he was too formal for her taste. Further away from the house she took out her cylinder and pulled it open. It contained a series of code that Chasuki had broken on the first day. She read it again for directions, her mind translating the cypher instantly. They next exam's location was just outside Buten's walls, a three kilometer walk. She gulped when she reached the gates and looked back at the sleeping city. The sun had just begun to peek over the far buildings, making the roofs and streets sparkle with morning dew. She had never left the city before.

“Are you going to be leaving?”

Chasuki jumped and turned around, “E-Excuse me?”

“Are you going to be leaving?” the man repeated.

He was sitting at a small booth just inside the city gates. He looked very sleepy and yawned as Chasuki approached.

“Um, yes, sir,” she said timidly.

“Then you need to sign,” he yawned again, pushing a worn book across the counter.

“Oh, of course,” she said as she took the pen and filled out the form.

She scanned the registry, there were a few names above hers. Damn, I'm not first, she bit her lip. The guard made small talk while Chasuki wrote. She explained that she was headed for an exam.

“For The Academy?” asked the man, raising an eyebrow. “You're a bit young for something that dangerous, aren't you?”

Chasuki was about to reply that it was her family's idea, but the man interrupted her.

“I shouldn't judge. It's a fine goal for anyone to have. Good luck, kid.”

Chasuki bowed and took her first step outside the city. It felt rather exhilarating. Three kilometers wasn't far, but she walked patiently. The last thing she wanted was to get over excited and run there wasting her energy. She enjoyed the sights as she strode toward her location. The rising sun certainly made everything sparkle beautifully and the smell of morning was delightful. She soon found a small unmarked path that led away from the main road. She checked her code again to make sure she was correct before she continued down it. It was lovely walking through the tall grass. Chasuki held out her hand and giggled to herself as it tickled her skin. Soon she came to a clearing that was on the outskirts of a large forest. She saw two figures in the distance.


Haruka slowly creaked open Okami’s door, Znake’s words ringing in her mind.

At least try to be friendlier with her, Haruka. She’s only a little girl.

Haruka entered and drew some curtains open then gazed back to the bed. Okami was still sound asleep with Kage curled up next to her. Haruka huffed, annoyance stirring inside her. The light didn’t seem to affect Okami at all. Haruka approached the bed and looked down at Okami. She was still wearing the white dress from a few days ago. Haruka clenched her right hand.

“I’m trying, Znake,” she said out loud. “But this girl isn’t making it easy.”

Okami moaned and scrunched up her eyes, then sat up rubbing them.

“What’s with the light?” she mumbled, blinking to allow her eyes to adjust.

Haruka glared down at her, slightly angry that she had interrupted her private conversation, although she knew that was a stupid reason to get upset over.

“Good morning, Okami,” Haruka greeted, restraining her anger. “I’m here-”

“Morning, nurse lady,” Okami yawned. “Where’s Znake?”

Calm down, Haruka. Just ignore her rudeness. The Hebikami wants me to be nicer, she instructed herself.

“He’s out,” Haruka said shortly. “And address him as Hebikami-sama.”

“Why?” Okami stretched. “He doesn’t seem to mind.”

Haruka bit her lip, subduing her anger again, “I am here to get you ready for the next exam.”

“Right, that’s today,” Okami said absently.

Okami jumped out of bed, stretching again, knocking her duvet to the floor.

“Yosh! Kage, wake up. Let’s do this exam!” she shouted confidently and walked for the door. Kage got up and followed her.

Haruka suddenly noticed bed sheets, pillows and blankets scattered around the room. She stared at the mess utterly horrified. That was it. The last straw.

“You come back here this instance!”

Okami stopped while reaching for the door, looking back. “What now?”

Haruka burst, no longer able to contain her anger. “Your room is filthy, Okami! Clean it right now and change your clothes!”

“Ah, but that’s going to take all morning. I’m going to miss the second exam and Znake said-”

“And you have a complete disregard for respect! He’s the Hebikami, do you even know what that means?” Haruka blared.

She could see some nurses in the corridor peeking in to see who had upset her this time, which only made her angrier. She grit her teeth. Okami hadn’t moved, clearly not showing any interest in obeying the orders Haruka had given her.

“Okami!” Haruka raised her voice again and pointed to her messy bed.

Okami glared in another direction, not looking at Haruka at all.

Stubborn girl! Haruka hissed.

“Okami.” Haruka warned one last time.

This time Okami looked straight at Haruka, her gaze was quite unflinching. Haruka was surprised at the intensity of it, but she didn’t stand down.


Haruka blinked. What?

“I’ll do it.”

Haruka was speechless. What did she just say?

Okami slowly walked toward Haruka, and then she grinned suddenly.

“If you can catch me!”


Haruka was completely taken by surprise as Okami ran toward her. She desperately tried to grab Okami but she jumped right over Haruka’s head, ruffling her neat hair. Haruka spun around furiously, grasping at Okami, but it was too late she had already made it to the window. Haruka leaped for her, but she lost her footing on a bed sheet and fell over backwards, giving Okami and Kage enough time to escape out the window. Okami didn’t even look, she just jumped out.

“Oh, it’s quite high,” she commented, not phased at all that she had just leapt out the third story window. “Kage!”

Kage repositioned himself, landing first. Okami followed soon after him and he managed to catch her on his back. As soon as he felt Okami grip his fur he bolted for the open roads of Buten. Haruka blinked at the ceiling for a few seconds, not sure what to do. She had just been bested by a dog, a little girl and a bed sheet. Oh, I’m never going to hear the end of this, she thought, feeling her face go red. What made it worse was that she could hear muffled laughter and giggles drifting in from the passage. She sat up hurriedly and ran for the window.

“I’ll get you for this, Okami!” she shouted after them, clenching her fist high in the air.

Okami just waved back happily and smiled like it was a game. “Have a nice day, nurse lady.”

Haruka sighed. Before she turned away from the window she could see a figure running after Okami. She narrowed her eyes to try make it out, but the murmurs from the other nurses distracted her. Right, she breathed deeply.

“And what are you all doing?” She twisted around, scolding the crowd that had gathered at the door. The group of nurses faltered and scurried away.

Znake’s going to have his hands full with this one.


“Good morning, Chasuki,” Znake greeted as she approached.

“Good morning, Hebikami-sama and Sil-sama,” she replied and bowed.

“I trust the clue wasn't too difficult to figure out?” Znake enquired.

“Not at all, Hebikami-sama. It was challenging,” Chasuki replied. She didn't want to sound overconfident.

“You're first out of the three,” Sil grinned.

“First?” Chasuki asked quizzically. But there were six other names before mine, she thought recalling the guard's list.

“There are many others taking this exam,” Znake explained. “Nine in total. You are the first out of Ghost and Okami.”

“Speaking of,” Sil said, nodding at the green field.

Kage came bounding over the hill, with Okami on his back and Ghost shouting after them.


Kage skidded to a halt just next to Chasuki and Okami hoped off. Ghost fell to his knees gasping for air.

“Good morning, Ghost. Okami. How did you find your clues?” Znake asked, eager for feedback.

“Hai, Aniki! I followed Okami,” Ghost admitted boldly, jumping up and saluting.

Znake grit his teeth. “And you Okami?”

Okami turned her attention away from the interesting forest to Znake.

“Honestly, I think I lost that. I just followed your scent here,” she shrugged nonchalantly.

Znake's eyebrow twitched, but he tried to keep his annoyance under control. I should've guessed this would happen.

“I would've made it here sooner if the mean nurse lady hadn't shouted at me about my hospital room or that I don't change clothes.”

“You don't change clothes? Why?” Chasuki asked, horrified. She would never get away with something like that at her house.

“They're just going to get dirty,” Okami explained.

Znake sighed, rubbing his temples, calming himself.

“Anyway,” he cleared his throat. “Congratulations for getting here, despite some of you ignoring the proper method.”

He glared at Ghost and Okami.

“As I mentioned to Chasuki, this test involves more people. Today's exam is an obstacle course, the goal being to find the end before time runs out. And yes, this one will have a time limit,” Znake concluded.

Sil continued, “Each of you will get a small supply pack. It contains some food, water, a small blade and a flare.”

“What's the flare for?” Chasuki asked.

“It's in case you get injured and need medical attention or you want to forfeit,” Sil explained.

Forfeit? Medical attention? Chasuki gulped.

Are these exams really that intense? Ghost thought, backing away from the forest slightly.

“Although, no one has been injured in years,” Sil laughed reassuringly.

“There will be others in this exam,” Znake informed Okami and Ghost, then spoke to all of them, “They have been assembled in other areas outside the forest and your score will depend on where you finish out of nine. You will be left to your own devices in the forest. There are no monitoring systems inside. It will start in ten minutes, any questions?”

Chasuki shook her head. She was too nervous to think of questions. Ghost didn’t ask anything either he just stared adamantly at the forest, psyching himself up.

“If our score is based off where we place out of nine, couldn’t someone just take us out to improve their score?” Okami asked breaking the silence, looking at Znake intently.

My, my. Asking the difficult questions, aren’t we? Znake blinked in surprise at Okami’s bluntness.

“Attacking another applicant is an immediate forfeit. No friendly-fire is tolerated.”

Okami nodded. Both Chasuki and Ghost sighed in relief. If they had to face Okami, neither of them would get very far. In the distance a loud bang went off. Chasuki flinched at the exploding sound and Ghost nearly lost his footing.

I wonder it they are going to be okay, Znake thought concerned. He looked at Okami she didn't seemed afraid or nervous at all. She was stroking Kage's fur and instructing him to wait for her. They'll be fine.

“Right. That signals the start. Good luck,” Znake finished.

The three of them fixed their packs to their persons and vanished into the thick wood. Znake watched them leave, then went to sit next to Sil. Kage also took up a seat next to the two of them.

“And now we wait,” Sil said.

“And now we wait,” Znake repeated.


The forest was thick and the morning sunlight struggled against the tightly woven canopy of leaves. It only managed to break through when the wind blew. The ground was covered in moss and large bushes, thick roots twisted around the damp floor like snakes and massive rocks jutted out of the earth. All of these things made it difficult to traverse the forest floor, at least for Ghost and Chasuki. Okami found it rather enjoyable, like a morning workout. She leapt and jumped over boulders and roots twice her height with ease, bounding forward at a speed that the other two couldn't hope to match. Chasuki sighed, With someone like that in here I don't think I'll make it very far.

She looked down, slightly depressed.

“So where do you think the end is?” Ghost asked, trying to make conversation in an attempt to cheer Chasuki up.

“Well, let’s check the pack,” she thought out loud.

She reached inside her bundle of supplies, but didn't find anything that felt like paper.  She squeaked, “That can't be right.”

She dug around frantically. Ghost checked his bag too. There's no map, he suddenly realised.

“Well, now what?” Chasuki slumped down. “Where are we supposed to go? This forest is probably huge.”

She looked like she was about to burst into tears. Ghost didn't want to show his feelings of panic, but this was starting to seem more and more like an impossible task.

“We have to go to the middle,” a voice from above them said.

“Ah!” Chasuki let out a small scream. “Onee-chan, don't scare me like that.”

Ghost looked up to see Okami hanging from a low branch. She dropped down and landed in front of them.

“How do you know we have to go to the middle?” Ghost asked.

“Znake said that there were others taking this exam. So in order to make it fair and give everyone an equal chance the end would have to be the same distance away from everyone,” Okami explained, wiping some dirt off her clothes.

“How do we find the middle?” Chasuki mumbled.

“We just follow the trees,” Okami replied.

“F-Follow the trees?” Ghost asked, puzzled.

“Yeah, the deeper into the forest we go the taller and bigger the trees will be,” Okami explained, raising an eyebrow. “It's a bit obvious, isn't it?”

Ghost and Chasuki looked at each other.

“Um, we've never left Buten before,” Ghost said, shifting uncomfortably.

“Oh, right,” Okami replied awkwardly. “Well, it's this way. Follow me.”

Okami turned around and started walking away. Ghost helped Chasuki up and they ran after her.

“Why are you helping us?” Ghost asked. He knew very well that Okami could easily find the center of the forest. She had already shown such skill in navigating the wilderness.

“It's no fun walking by myself,” Okami looked over her shoulder and smiled widely.

Ghost smiled back. I guess that's a good enough reason.

Onee-chan is so kind, Chasuki smiled softly.

They walked for a while, stopping every now and then to let Chasuki rest, before they came across their first obstacle. It was a rickety bridge stretching between two steep cliffs and it swayed threateningly. Okami stepped forward to further inspect the bridge and cliffs. It didn't seem too unstable.

“I'll go first. You can follow after me,” Okami instructed.

Ghost and Chasuki nodded. Okami slowly made her way onto the bridge, it wiggled slightly as she put her weight on it. However, the wood still seemed fine only a few boards were damp. Okami motioned for the others to follow, “Don't look down.”

Ghost walked onto the bridge cautiously and Chasuki came after him, clinging desperately to the ragged ropes. Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look down, she repeated to herself. Before she knew it they had reached the other side.

“Wow, that wasn't that bad,” she remarked, surprised. Although, she could feel her heart beating heavily.

“Yeah,” Okami agreed. “It would've been worse if one of you had fallen. I don't know if you would survive the drop.”

“Ah..D-Don't say things like that, Onee-chan,” Chasuki begged, suddenly feeling woozy, gripping her stomach.

“Did you have to say that?” Ghost asked irritably.

“Hm?” Okami replied, turning around to see Chasuki slightly hyperventilating. “Oh, sorry. Don't worry, though, I would've caught you.”

Okami smiled reassuringly and patted Chasuki on the back. That made her calm down a bit. They continued their walk further into the forest, with Okami leading the way. As they traveled the trees got thicker and taller, just like Okami said and everything got darker too, even though it was morning. Their next obstacle was a giant climbing wall. It was made out of an enormous rock, with manmade cracks for grips and hammered in stone for steps. It was as high as it was wide. Ghost suggested going around it, but Okami disagreed.

“It's going to take too long. The quickest way is up.”

Again Okami went first, finding the best foot holds and scaling the wall.

“You should go next Chasuki,” Ghost said, turning to her.

“What? Me? But I,” she trailed off.

“If I'm below you, I can still catch you if something happens.”

Chasuki was hesitant, but agreed. She took a deep breath and gripped the first small ledge just above her head, pulling herself up until she could reach the next stone. Ghost followed slowly below her, suggesting her next move. Okami watched from her vantage point, almost three quarters up the rock. It was a slow process but Chasuki eventually made it to halfway up. She stopped to catch her breath a bit, the climb really taxing her physical strength.

“There is a ledge up here to rest,” Okami called from above her.

Chasuki nodded at reached out of her next grip, as she pulled herself up the stone wiggled loose and she lost her hold quickly falling backward. Chasuki screamed frantically as her feet slipped off the rock. Panic gripped her as she lost contact with its surface.

“Chasuki!” Ghost yelled and threw out his hand to catch her.

He managed to grip her waist but the force of her colliding into him snapped the small stone he was using as a foothold in half and he also started to fall. Everything happened so quickly. Ghost felt the feeling of falling, Chasuki screaming in his ear, another screeching noise and a shadow descending on him. Suddenly the feeling of the wind rushing past him stopped and he felt tension in his shirt.

“That was close,” Okami grinned above him.

Ghost blinked in surprise, his mouth hanging open. Okami had jumped down from where she was and grabbed Ghost’s shirt. He looked past Okami at the rock and there were streaks down its surface, from Okami slowing their fall. Okami helped Ghost get proper footing and then assisted in calming Chasuki down. Halfway up the climbing wall was a ledge which led off to the side that they used to reach the top.

“Let’s rest here,” Okami offered, seeing Chasuki was still quite shaken.

They sat down and took out the food in their packs. It was a charming little lunch consisting of a sandwich, a fruit and a biscuit. They washed it down with some of their water.

“We should get going,” Okami said, rising. She sniffed at the air, the morning smell had resided and she guessed it was nearing lunch time if not midday already. She had no idea how the others who were taking this exam were fairing but she didn’t want to underestimate them. She bit her lip and looked back at Ghost helping Chasuki stand. If she was by herself she could make it no problem, even now she could still probably place first, but something wrestled within her. A familiar feeling, it was benevolent but also unsettled as if reacting to something here. Okami kept her guard up, looking around, keeping an eye on the shadows.

“How do we get down?” Ghost asked Okami as he walked to her side.

She guessed that their eyes still hadn’t adjusted fully yet.

“There’s a rope.” Okami pointed off to the left.

Chasuki sighed, Good. As long as it’s not climbing.

The rope connected from tree to tree. They each secured a harness around their waist and slowly pulled themselves across. After three trees the rope descended into the vegetation below.

“Looks like fun,” Okami grinned and jumped down.

Ghost and Chasuki waited.

“It’s safe, you can come down,” Okami called from underneath.

“It’s just like a swing,” Ghost encouraged before he followed after Okami.

Okay, it’s just like a slide. This is easy. You can do this, Chasuki calmed herself and jumped. She screamed all the way to the bottom, but it was over swiftly. Okami giggled.

“Wow, that was a rush,” Chasuki gasped.

They detached the harness and entered a more open area. Okami could hear water rushing up ahead. Soon a large river came into view. Okami was surprised to see such a big river, especially in summer. The water raged past the bank and splashed around widely. A memory flashed in Okami’s mind and she stopped walking.

“Looks like we’ll have to cross it,” Ghost said, looking up and down the river. “Can you see a way over, Okami? Okami?”

Ghost looked at her when she didn’t answer. Okami could feel herself start to tense up as another moment played in her head. The heavy rain, the wild river, the large rock and then that horrid city. Chasuki reached out to touch Okami’s shoulder and she flinched away.

“Onee-chan, are you okay?” Chasuki asked with concern.

Okami blinked away the memories and regained herself.

“Yes, I’m fine. Sorry.”

She turned her attention to the river. It was traveling too fast here.

“Let’s walk along the bank until we find a better place to cross.”

Both of them nodded and joined Okami in traveling down the bank. While they walked they made conversation. They asked Okami about her time in the wild and she told them how her and Kage survived. They both marveled at her stories. Okami asked them about their lives here in return. Chasuki talked about her family and how they were very popular among the people of Buten and other cities. Ghost just spoke about Znake and how cool he was.

He really admires Znake, Okami smiled to herself.

Before long they found a shallow part of the river and crossed. The water was nice and cool. It sent a refreshing wave through Okami as it ran past her legs. Once on the other side a large building came into view. Suddenly a cannon went off and then another and another. Chasuki squeaked. That was a lot louder than the starting signal.

“That must mean a few have already finished.”

“Yeah, must be,” Ghost nodded. “Come on! What are we waiting for? We’re almost there!”

Ghost shouted encouragingly and ran ahead. Okami laughed and followed with Chasuki complaining from behind them about not wanting to run. It only took them five minutes to come into view of the buildings grand entrance. Okami heard some rustling behind them and she sprang around. Three children walked through, they looked to be the same age as Ghost and Chasuki.

“Ah, Ghost!” One of them called. “Surprised you made it this far.”

“Same goes for you!” he greeted back and fist bumped the first kid.

The other kids exchanged greetings. Okami felt a bit out of place as they chatted like they were all old friends.

“And this is Okami,” Ghost introduced her, pulling her by the arm to join the larger group.

“Okami, you say? Haven’t seen you around before,” one of the boys frowned at her.

“She’s new,” Chasuki explained.

“The names Lee and that’s Mai and Naota.”

“Hello,” Okami said shyly.

You can jump off huge boulders and tall trees but you’re shy around new people huh? Ghost smiled to himself.

“Come on, let’s get this exam over with,” Lee said.

The group murmured in agreement. They slowly walked into a large open field with the building in full view now. It was still at least a hundred meters away, but they could see the doors wide open. Chasuki and Mai talked about how they were going to bath after this and the boys tried to one up each other with more and more ridiculous obstacles that they had overcome. Okami hung near the back and just watched them, it was nice to see friends connect. She smiled and breathed out, looking up at the sky. It was well past noon, maybe three. Suddenly Okami felt a terror fill her. She stopped in her tracks, frozen. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest and her mind raced. Something. Something was coming. But where? Her eyes dashed around wildly. Her sense of doom clawed at her emotions. What was going on? Chasuki noticed Okami had stopped moving and turned around.


A loud snap echoed from the trees behind them. The whole group turned around and stared into the dark forest.

Five meters? No! Three! Okami realized.

“Duck!” she yelled.

They didn’t react in time. Suddenly something large burst from the branches above, spraying twigs and splinters over the group. They yelped and covered their heads. It landed with a heavy thug and kicked up a lot of dust. Okami looked through the debris and stared at the terrifying face of a huge spider. Its eyes were fat, black and gleaming. It had long fangs poking out from its hairy face as long as Okami’s forearm. Its body was covered in thick spindly brown and white hair creating a pattern on its back. Its legs were heavy and powerful, snapping a branch under its foot with easy as it stepped forward. The group coughed and looked around for the cause of the dust. Chasuki and Mai screamed in horror.

“Wh-What the hell is that?!” Ghost yelled, his voice pitching from stress.

As the dust settled further they could see the huge arachnid better. It was at least the size of a car and it had strange purple-pink burns all over. Its body looked weirdly twisted. The spider cracked its fangs together. An emotion seemed to run over its terribly scared face. Glee? It leapt at the group. Okami reacted timelessly and punched the spider square in its head. Okami’s skin crawled as she felt one of its slimy eyes bobble under her fist. It backed off and roared. It was a stomach turning sound, like it was echoing from somewhere else. It clasped at its injured eye.

“Run!” Okami shouted.

Ghost was the first to regain himself and he pulled Chasuki toward the finishing line. Lee broke out of his trance and did the same for Mai and Naota. Okami turned her attention back to the spider. It had recovered quicker than she had hoped and knocked her away with a powerful swoop of one of its legs. Okami flew backwards past the group of fleeing children, the air pushed right out of her lungs. She dug her feet and right hand into the ground to stop herself, while her left hand gripped her stomach, pain flared up her side. The spider jumped after her, for its size its speed was impressive.



“Go!” She yelled back. “I’ll hold it off! Reach the door!”

Ghost bit his lip, but continued to pull Chasuki by the hand.

Okami dodged its dive attack and countered with a kick to one of its legs. It let out a painful yelp. It stepped back and looked past Okami at the group running, then down at her again. Another emotion crossed its face and it breathed in and out quickly. Was it laughing? Okami frowned. Suddenly her keen ears picked up another noise coming from the forest behind her. Oh no!

“Will she be okay?” Lee asked, running next to Ghost.

A projectile flew through the air and slammed against the doors. The group tried to slow down in time but they collided with it. Ghost and Lee were fortunate enough to bounce right off, but the rest clung to its surface struggling against it. A large wall of sticky web barricaded the door. Another monstrous spider sped past the line of trees and toward the group.

“Ghost! Help me, I’m stuck!” Chasuki pleaded desperately.

“Never mind that, will we be okay?” Lee asked rhetorically while getting up.

Ghost bolted upright. He saw another beast running toward them. Chasuki, Mai and Naota were trapped and Okami was busy. He had to do something.

Come on, Ghost! Think!

“The knives!” Ghost reached for the blade in his pack and ran to Chasuki.

He cut furiously at her bindings but the blade was too small to be making any difference. It only helped to get more webs on him. Chasuki began to cry as the large spider rapidly approached them and Mai was screaming frantically.

Hearing Ghost mention a blade gave Okami an idea. She took it out swiftly and back flipped out of range of the spider’s next attack. While in the air she threw the blade with all her might and it landed dead center in the same eye she punched. It roared again and clawed at the blade to try get it out, thick dark green blood poured from its wound. While it was distracted Okami ran as fast as she could to Ghost. The second spider leapt at them. The group screamed as a whole, but Okami met the spider in midair, grabbing one of its legs and swinging it off course. It crashed a few meters to the left. It struggled on its back for a bit squealing, but quickly recovered. It hissed at Okami with anger and she hissed back baring her teeth, glaring at it with deep golden eyes.

“What’s happening, Ghost?” She asked quickly.

“Chasuki and the others are stuck,” he replied hurriedly.

“And the web is too thick to cut through,” Lee added.

Okami growled in frustration, then suddenly remembering, she whispered, “The flares…”

The second spider launched at her and she braced herself, crouching and assuming a defensive stance. She grabbed hold of its fangs inches from her face. It pushed her back. She dug her toes into the earth but it was too strong. In their tussle blobs of venom dripped from the tips of its fangs, eating away at the ground below. The earth crumbled beneath her feet and she lost her footing. Its glossy fangs slipped out of her hands and flew past her snapping at some of her hair. She maneuvered under it swiftly and grabbed hold of its neck, turning its head up and wrestling it to a standstill. Ghost and Lee marveled at her strength, but Okami snapped them out of their trance.

“The flares!” she ordered, struggling to keep the spider at bay. Its legs flailed around, trying its best to grab anyone from the group.

It pushed against her ruthlessly snapping its fangs in the air, more droplets of venom falling to the floor. Okami winced as some singed past her right side, dissolving a small part of her dirty white dress. But finally Okami's foot slid against a rock in the ground, allowing her to steady herself. She pushed the spider backward a few steps and heaved at its underbelly. It landed on its back again a few meters away, buying Okami some time.

She raised her fingers to her lips and blew as hard as she could. An ear piercing whistle sounded through the whole forest.


Znake looked up from the book he was reading into the distance.

“Huh? What was that?” he frowned.

Suddenly he was knocked over and fell to the ground, hitting his head and dropping his reading material. When Znake looked up he saw Kage bolt into the forest barking wildly.

“Znake!” Sil shouted and pointed.

Znake followed his finger and his eyes widened. Three flares lit up the sky.

“Three flares and all at once? Something is wrong,” he narrowed his eyes and stood. “Sil, let’s go!”

“Znake, this feeling,” Sil said softly as they ran toward the flares.

“I know,” he glared.


Okami's breath was ladened and her throat felt raw. Her muscles burned and she could feel sweat trickle down her hot skin. Her dress was ripped and seared in several places, with a few large spider hairs stuck in the fabric. There were multiple scratches and scrapes over her arms and legs. They stung and throbbed with pain. The spiders stalked around in front of them, eying the small group for any openings. They seemed to be more cautions after Okami's ruthless defense.

What's with these spiders, hunting as a pack? Okami thought, questioning their strange behaviour.

They hissed and clicked to each other. Okami narrowed her eyes, They're communicating too?

Okami looked around. Chasuki and Mai were still stuck. Naota was close to being freed. Ghost and Lee were working together to cut the web around him, but it wasn't fast enough. Okami was running out of options and she had no weapon. The spiders looked about ready to attack again, joy filling their eyes. They knew their prey was trapped. She took a deep steady breath, calming her furiously pumping heart. She closed her fists, leaving only her index and middle fingers extended. She reached deep within her core and willed her energy down her arms into her hands and out her fingers. A soft blue flame erupted from her fingers and flickered wildly. She concentrated harder and bent her energy into a transparent elongated blade twice as long as her fingers that faded from purple around the edges into a blue outer glow. It made a faint hum every time Okami moved them.

“Ready?” Okami taunted the spiders.

They hissed in return and leapt for the children. Okami readied her blades, lifting her arms up and to her left. The group behind her pleaded loudly with what energy they had left that they would survive. Everything slowed down in time with Okami’s steady breath, or maybe she just sped up. She locked eyes with the closest spider and dashed for it, creating a puff of dust where she stood. The other maneuvered to knock her out of the way, but just as it was about to attack a blur of white shot out of the forest and ripped one of its legs off with such force that it swung the spider completely off course and it skidded across the field tearing up long blades of grass. Kage landed with a huff in front of the children and spat out the twitching spider leg. It screeched in pain and rose to its feet slowly. Kage growled deeply, green goo dripping from his sharp teeth. Okami twisted to the left, dodging a swipe attack that would’ve crushed her ribs for sure. While still spinning she slashed viciously at the spider’s body as it passed. She managed to get a few good cuts in. She counted, two of its right legs should be out of commission and a third heavily injured. It howled in pain and crashed into the building above the door, but recovered quickly and jumped at Okami smashing the wall further. Some pieces of rock loosened and fell down, narrowly missing Lee. He yelped in surprise. As she landed, Okami back flipped to the left just in time to miss another heavy attack. The spider skid around, using its legs as an anchor and attacked again. Okami blocked all of its attacks in midair with her blades and cut one of its legs in half. It fell to the ground with a thud and wormed around like it was still receiving orders. Kage raced for his opponent not allowing it time to stand. As he approached he used his momentum and head butted the spider in the side of its head. A loud crack echoed through the open air. Kage had damaged the left side of its face and broken off its left fang. It raged at him, fury clear in its screech. Kage barked loudly at it. He didn’t step down and attacked again, aiming for one of its legs. His powerful jaws ripped through its thick exoskeleton, but it managed to kick him off before he was able to tear it away.

Okami only touched the ground for a second before dashing off again toward the spider. It snapped its fangs at her spilling a large amount of venom over the field. Okami leapt into the air and drop kicked it in the head, but she didn’t stop there. She continued to run up its back driving her blades deep into its flesh, slicing into its armored body. She jumped off the end of it and spun around, always keeping an eye on the spider. It was starting to slow down. Now that Kage was here she was confident that they would win this. Her thoughts distracted her and she was nearly hit with sticky webbing. She managed to slash the projectile, slicing through it like water, the stickiness no match for her energy blades. As she descended she divided three more web bombs. When she touched the ground she again only hovered for a second before speeding toward the spider. Its whole left side was completely open. Okami dashed past it, her blades both on her right, and slashed completely though all of its legs. It howled and collapsed. Okami winced. Its cries of pain still made her skin crawl, like the screeching noise of nails on a chalkboard.

To the others Okami looked like blue lightning, dashing around too fast for them to keep up. Her blades hummed as they whizzed through the afternoon air. And Kage was so powerful. He danced around the maimed spider keeping out of reach from its fang and delivering devastating attacks when the time was right. Ghost felt so inadequate in comparison, but Lee urged him to keep cutting at the web. Okami and Kage are fighting their best. I can’t stop now either, he thought with determination.

Okami spun around and jumped into the air, breaking the earth below her. The spider was completely immobile now, she could finish this. She readied her blades for a heavy attack. The spider responded by blasting venom blobs at her. Okami gritted her teeth. She dissolved her blades and held out her left palm, reforging her energy into a similar coloured half sphere and curled up behind it. The venom hissed against her shield pushing her back violently. She had underestimated the strength of the attack. She back flipped gracefully to regain her balance and skid back, digging into the earth to slow down, churning up dirt and grass. The spider turned its attention to the other kids and filled its mouth with venom. Okami’s eyes widened and she growled in anger. Her shield melted back into blades. There was no way she could dash there in time. A flicker of panic arose in her chest, but something warm and familiar quenched it. She regained her calm disposition and charged her blades. She only had a fraction of a second to pump them with energy. From her kneeling position she aimed for the spider’s head. She breathed out. She had to hit this or it was over. She released her left blade with a powerful swing of her arm. It ripped through the air, leaving behind it a faintly glowing blue line. It produced a loud high pitch clap and embedded itself deep in the spider’s head. The venom ball it had been working on bubbled over its mouth. Okami didn’t hesitate and released her second blade. It landed exactly where the first one did and drove it all the way through the spider’s whole body. Her final blow exploded out the end of the spider and finally stopped in the bark of a tree behind it. Its whole body flumped down, lifeless.

Kage clawed at the spiders injured face, ripping chunks out. In a last attempt to defend itself it bit down on Kage’s left paw. Kage blinked in pain as the fang pierced all the way through, but he didn’t stop. Finally he with one last powerful bite he tore its head off. Its body fell to the floor limply. Kage dropped its head and it rolled a few feet before stopping. He trotted up to Okami to check on her.


Znake and Sil rushed through the last few trees and into an open field, where carnage met their eyes. Sil gasped audibly. The ground was all torn up in places and some patches were steaming. The building in the middle had suffered some damage as well. Its face was cracked and some of the rock had fallen down. The door looked sealed, but the worse of the scene were the destroyed bodies of two enormous brown spiders. Znake and Sil landed in front of the building and surveyed the area. Another watcher had responded to the flares and was helping Chasuki and Mai out of the webbing. He met Znake’s eyes and nodded off to one side. Znake followed and Sil rushed in to help. Znake saw Okami standing with Kage.

“Now, this is going to hurt, Kage,” Okami warned.

Kage braced himself as Okami pulled out the fang that was jammed in his paw. He yelped loudly, but didn’t pull away. Okami threw the broken fang to the side and immediately buried her face in Kage’s wound, sucking. As she drew a mouthful of blood she turned and spat it out, some of it running down her chin. She repeated the process a few times until she was satisfied that no venom had made it into Kage’s system. She then tore off a large piece of her dress and gently wrapped it around his paw.

“There, Kage. All better now,” Okami smiled warmly as she made a neat knot at the top. “Don’t worry, Kage. I’ll hunt for a while. You just rest.”

Kage yipped softly and licked Okami on her cheek. She giggled. It was such a striking image: a giant dog licking the face of a laughing little girl whose mouth was covered in blood in a field that looked like a battleground.

“Hebikami-sama, these children require medical attention immediately,” the other watcher said as they approached.

Znake tore his eyes away to face him. He was carrying an unconscious Mai in his arms and Naota on his back, he looked like he was just barely hanging on.

“Yes,” Znake agreed. “Take all of them to the Hospital.”

The watcher nodded and dashed off toward Buten. Sil followed after him with Chasuki and Lee and Znake picked up Ghost.

“Okami, come with me.”

Okami looked at Znake as if just noticing him now, then turned to Kage.

“Are you okay to run?”

Kage barked and Okami climbed on his back. They followed after him. Znake looked down at an exhausted Ghost and glared. What happened here?


As soon as they reached the hospital each child was rushed off separately. Haruka was horrified when Znake, Sil and the other watcher showed up with the children in such bad condition. She dropped everything and barked orders at passing nurses who ran away hurriedly to obey. Okami was taken to her hospital room, which still wasn’t tidy. She hadn’t suffered too many injuries so the nurses left her to help Haruka with the others.

Afternoon came and went. Soon it was evening. The sun was setting and Okami hadn’t heard from anyone. She was pacing around her room while Kage was resting peacefully on the floor. She sighed looking out the window at the red evening sky. Her stomach growled loudly. No one had come to check on her, so she supposed it was okay if she left to find something to eat. She headed for the door but stopped. Hm, they’ll probably stop me if I leave that way.

She turned to the window and climbed out. Kage perked up his ears and looked at Okami.

“Don’t worry. I’ll get you something to eat too, Kage,” Okami smiled.

Kage panted happily and went back to resting.


Znake could hardly believe what Ghost had told him. He thought that maybe the stress made him exaggerate, but Lee and Naota both said similar things. He sat outside Ghost’s room staring off into the distance, his hand covering his mouth.

“Znake,” Haruka urged as she move toward him.

“I know, Haruka,” he sighed. “I’ll talk to her.”

“She’s not in her room.”

“Of course she isn’t,” Znake sighed again and stood.

Znake found Okami outside, wading around in the Koi pond the hospital had in its gardens. He took a deep breath. This conversation had to be handled delicately.

“Okami,” Znake approached. “What are you doing?”

“I'm hunting,” she replied, looking at the fish keenly. “Kage can't do it now because his paw is hurt.”

“Okami,” Znake said gently. “Come out of the water.”

She turned to look at him, then back at the water. His voice seemed different so Okami slowly waded back to the small bridge crossing over the pond. Znake offered his hand to help her out.

“Okami,” he began once she was on the walkway.

“This is about the spiders, isn't it?” Okami asked looking down, wrapping her arms around herself.

Znake sighed softly.

“Did I do something bad?”

Znake was unsure of how to explain the situation.

“Chasuki and Ghost haven't spoken to me since,” Okami said softly, gripping her frayed dress tightly, still downcast.

“Okami,” Znake began again.

“I can be good. I promise!” she burst out. “I'll clean my room at the hospital! I'll be nicer to the nurse lady! I'll put shoes on! I'll even change my clothes!”

Okami addressed all the things Haruka had moaned at her about.

“So please...” she begged desperately. “Don't make us leave...”

Znake was taken aback.

“Everyone's so nice here,” she mumbled through tears. “Kage and I...We like it here...I can be good. I promise...”

Znake's heart broke. All the things he wanted to ask suddenly seemed unimportant. He pushed them aside. He knelt down and opened his arms, “Come here.”

Okami slowly walked toward him, rubbing her eyes, tears pouring down her cheeks. He pulled her into a gentle embrace.

“Nobody's sending you away.”

Okami sobbed into his shoulder.

“You just surprised everyone, that's all. Okami, the things you can do,” Znake paused. He needed to honest with her. “They're not normal. You just need to control your strength.”

“I was protecting everyone...”

“I know, and you did a great job,” he comforted her, stroking her head.

“So you're not mad?” Okami asked, looking up at him with her big blue eyes, tears streaming down her face.

“No, I'm not mad,” Znake smiled kindly, ruffling her hair. “I guess I'll just have to keep an eye on you.”

Znake stood, picking Okami up with him. “You know, I think it's time you moved out of the hospital. I have some extra rooms at my house. You can stay there until The Academy opens.”

Okami's face lit up. “Really? Can Kage come too?”

“Of course,” Znake chuckled. “You'll just have to share with Ghost, he's staying there too.”

“I don't mind sharing,” she smiled, gleefully.

Just then her stomach complained.

“I say we get something to eat,” Znake concluded and started walking back to the hospital.
This is the second part of the Entrance Exam. In this chapter, we get to see a bit more of Okami's fighting ability.


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